nana........well what can i say. im breathless when i talk to you. so far we are okay. Roman is so big now........he is starting to walk around the house and yell. i wish you could have seen him now. me and your birthday passed. i cried for you nana. my birthday wasnt the same without you there. nothing was ever the same after you left us. thanksgiving passed and i knew you would have enjoyed leftovers!!!!lol god i miss you so much nana......christmas is coming up!!!!......remember when my mom bought you that massage bed thing.....and remember i ended up telling you what is was and i cried!!!!!!i loveyou so much nana i pray to every night .............well at least you will get to spend the holidayz with your mom again....i love you and miss you sooo much.....R.I.P....................
Delia I know you're up there...looking down on your loved ones and knowing there going to do just fine and with that I know your resting in peace...I miss you girl! all the time I think of you I smile, because of the laughs we had about who had the better butt...hahaha!
Love you Delia...say hi to my pops for me.